Sunday, July 11, 2010


it is something to be saying that i had a wonderful life so far this was a blessed year for me,Alhamdullilah,Thank God for giving..well i should be saying that i have a good quality life and not regret bout it..yea for me im mot having a plain life rich having all this and that in a blink of eye,but im not having a hard life where lunch is a new think like people at palestine family had a hard time and we are not rich to eat lamb stew everyday,we are malaysian and my mom can still feed me rice everyday(just me will not thankful,before.i will now) they(my parent) till now fighting to survive for next month,if you know what im saying..they hardly try to make me as same level as other kids like what they so embarrassed and humiliated of my self seeing them fighting for me,working un-same time like other parent at their all for me yet im still cold me..well i guess cause im having a hard time(i think) so a simple problem will not effect my mental shockly it teach me how to be strong they teach me how to fight back from in life that full of obstacle making me who i am right now..the life i had now is from the lent of God and blessing by God guide by my mother(nor saadah binti haji shukri) a teach from my dad(ramly bin nordin) and everyone who had and still be around me since the first cry i'ed made in these temporarily life..thank God for the life that blessed to me since july 11th 1991-july 11th 2010(present) and continuing..the journey i had before making a good changing point in my life to open my eyes and realize the goods and bads in the life that i should go for.the dream i had making my aim visible in my mind and the aim is the end of my rope that i climb now..i hope it will not fall or else i'll be fall..i am hafiz syamir,and this is me typing while other do their stuff and enjoying bless sunday birthday..good day !