by the last thing that i should do is make the addiction drive first and leaving me behind..was a good life still young and had alot of thing in my mind to make it happen but im not gonna go with addiction in not something that can be proud of it not something that we should not thinking of cause human had an expiring to be honest im living with it for a long time and god no idea on how to make it stop..well i guess now im still a human with a heart and brain to think so i will think to have a bright healthy future rather then living in life that will be help by not kindda person that need others always by my side i just need some space for me an this is a point where i should make up myself a great heart and be someone that somebody can proud of..this addiction is not gonna make me go any further..god bless me and the life i had,peace!
quote for today : When all is said and done, more is said than done