Thursday, July 1, 2010


you cant denied that they really look beautiful isit? yes they are you see is you are really fashion follower..for me it looks so cute..and it show how rebel and strong are your heart..its something that not all girls will think bout it..its something cool..dude! i really admire a girl that had ever think to do it..its awesome,but yea maybe the culture here but even short hairstyle looks so beautiful..okay here,its simple,looks orderly with some flavor of rebel and anger inside..that is something!


pfftt..again and again and again seeing you make my heart beat it a way for any part of me to make you understand that there a spark going on about you..but yea,just let the kite fly if im lucky enough i can pull back if not thunder cut it and wind fly it away :)


you have to think bout this month plenties of time cause its not and ordinary month..its a month where special people comes and goes..its about changing course of life its a new start to 2nd term of the year its about everything good in a year..welcome to a new world boy


feeling like having a split personality is sick..feel like you cant remember bout you before and being a new you in a while..sound fucking scary when i realize.did i be like that always? dude! it start to freaking me out..hope the other me is not that idiot till killing people..i know bout of me love the nature and lives..was split personality is hospital type sick or mental type sick..cause i think maybe there some kind of thing going wrong with the brain..since i dont believe to stupid magic or something between it the only logical fact that play in mind is hospital type sick..those nonsense is bullshit when i see most of melayu culture believe..its bullshit! remember what have been written,you standing below mother,alquran,muhammad s.a.w and other then that was quite you should think about more then double twice..think lah macha


hahahha bullshit all the sad going life being good and my heart had need a hand no need a help i make it change i getting my self up from the fall i whip my own tears..the fuck i dont care anything bout you its all about what the best for believe is the most important things in my life..then my family and all my life is already cool with them so i dont give a fuck for another seat for ruiner like you..this chapter is about me and my life is priceless so i'll appreciate things that been there for me since starts..changing it for now just making things worst i believe in it but not now..