Tuesday, June 29, 2010


better smile then cry cause everything bout cry is making me sick..nothing i can be proud of my yesterday so i will prepare myself for tomorrow..wish me luck


business franchising starts to playing around my head right now..its kindda awesome study for a main and dessert course of my life..the dessert is actually bout business and having fun,so just pop out my head bout franchising so it will be cool..unluckily malaysia dont have anywhere that had a business franchising that i can take it just a short course that got no strong certificate..damn damn damn..its kindda good things to think bout it again cause i heard bout it on news yesterday that soon malaysia gonna be franchising hub at southeast asia..so it will be lots of things to work on to..so i've decide that im going for it maybe will be taking business courses we will see how things going.. so wish me luck


haha dont know she always look that beautiful i dont know maybe to me or maybe someone else too but her character was way beyond your imagination bout her when you first meet her..she the coolest person i ever meat and she is about everything possible in my life maybe someone else too but its cool everything bout it..the move the talk the extreme the risk taker the not so sissy kind the not so ask for sleep girl the simple the everything bout her was so cool..but yea when a fall had occur you cant know the deferent between goods and bads but yea as my eyes satisfied is cool..what the hell im start to think bout something between the words LO and VE..damn that things is fucking stupid right now in my mind but i think bout it more then twice when i saw her..fak fak fak stop dreaming kids..